IMPORTANT NEWS for Coaches and Referees

US Soccer Mandated Change Eliminates Heading for 11 and younger 

In order to implement this mandate the SSSL is implementing the following change for all u12 and younger games starting this spring: 

"It shall be considered a dangerous play when a player deliberately heads or attempts to head the ball.  Any violation of this rule shall result in an indirect free kick for the opponent.  Simultaneous violations by both teams will result in a dropped ball."

Click here for additional information from Mass Youth Soccer Assoc.

Forms for Coaches

Coach FAQ for SportPilot


  1. What's the link I need to use to manage my team info?


  2. How do I print the new roster for my team?
    1. Use the Manage my team info link – and login. 
    2. Click on your name – Under Family Members.
    3. To right you will see your registration history - click on the team.
    4. Click on Reports - SSSL photo roster report. 


  3. I'm coaching more than 1 team how do I get the roster for each team?
    1. Your registration history will show multiple teams –select the team you want to manage.


  4. Can I update the jersey number for one of my players if it's wrong?  If so, how do I do it?
    1. Yes you can update jersey numbers. 
    2. Go to the Team roster 
    3. Under Team Options - click on Jersey Numbers


  5. Can I add or drop a player myself?
    1. Yes - until SSSL closes the registration period. 
    2. You will see the options for adding players - under Register Team Members.
    3. To remove a player - use the options next to the player on the roster. 


  6. How do I add a players picture if they don't have one in the system?
    1. Click on the Icon next to the player - you will get option to upload picture. 


  7. How do I update a player's picture if one is already there?
    1. Click on the existing picture - you can upload a new picture.


  8. How do I report my team's scores?
    1. Follow the Quick Club instructions to use the app either online or on your Android or Apple IOS phone or tablet
  9. What do I do if my game score is missing or wrong?
    1. If the score is missing after a few days, the visiting coach should enter it in Quick Club
    2. If the score is wrong the coach should contact the Age Group Admin and report the error

SSSL Referee Evaluation Form

We would love to receive your feedback on the referee for your game. The feedback will not be shared specifically with the referee, but will allow us to give general guidance to all referees on themes that are reported to us throughout the season. 

Adopted Rule Changes for Fall 2019 - Spring 2020

Modified:  9.4  Player Pass 

 Removed part c

c)      Any player rostered on a team in an MTOC eligible division is not allowed to use a Player pass to play on a non-MTOC eligible team.  

Modified: 5.3 Requesting a game reschedule within 10 days

 5.3 . . . If the current or new game date is at least 4 days and less than 10 days away, the request will be5.3 . . . If the current or new game date is at least 4 days and less than 10 days away, the request will be honored upon payment of an additional fee of $100, otherwise the request will be rejected.

Modified: 6.1 Weather Delays

 6.1 . . . Weather Delays. In the event that a portion of the game is suspended due to weather or unsafe natural conditions, the following rules will apply: a. In the event of a stoppage, games that have completed a half, or are in the second half, after an appropriate stoppage time and unable to resume play will be deemed completed and the score at the time of the stoppage will stand.  b. In the event of a stoppage, games that are in the first half and unable to resume play, the game will be re-played in their entirety (both halves) as a Make Up game.

Modified: 9.1.3 Players receiving yellow cards must temporarily leave the game.

 The following sentence is added to the end of rule 9.1.3

 9.1.3 . . .   Any player receiving a Yellow Card will be required to be removed from the field of play, this player may be replaced.  The player may return during the next legal substitution opportunity.

Modified: 10.1 Game Lengths

      10.1 . . . duration of the game shall be. . .

                    11-PG  (2)      40-minute halves

                    Gr9-11          (2)      40-minute halves

                    Gr7/8            (2)      35-minute halves

                    Gr5/6            (2)      30-minute halves

                    Gr3/4            (2)      25-minute halves


10/21/2024 10:38 PM
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